Dusty Penguin

Child of God and in love with my Lord. Wife of a wonderful man. Mother of a young adult, two teens, and a miscellaneous menagerie of furry and finned creatures. Work full-time outside of home and as little as possible at home:)

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Location: Cedarville, Ohio

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Jeremiah's Room, continued

Here is the next wall over, which has two windows.

Inbetween the windows is his Civil Air Patrol section. The empty spot is for his Mitchell, which he hope to have by the end of December.

You can't see the models and key chains too well, but there are alot of them! He has curtains, but they're down to be hemmed because we turned the heat on and they dragged on the heater.

And here we have the model airplanes and a few more energy drink cans.

Above his bed he has yet more models and keychains, plus the quarter collection his grandparents got him started on.

And the last picture in this sequence is his bed. He put both twin beds together. So hope you all enjoy knowing what his room looks like while it's neat!


Blogger Hannatu said...

I like it! I wondered if he might move in there. He must feel like a king after being in the closet-sized room for so long.

Sunday, October 08, 2006 6:22:00 PM  
Blogger Dusty Penguin said...

Well, it seemed to make more sense, since the girls will only be around for shorter periods these days. It gives him room finally to display some of his stuff, and he's been doing a pretty good job of keeping it all neat.

Monday, October 09, 2006 7:29:00 AM  

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