Dusty Penguin

Child of God and in love with my Lord. Wife of a wonderful man. Mother of a young adult, two teens, and a miscellaneous menagerie of furry and finned creatures. Work full-time outside of home and as little as possible at home:)

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Location: Cedarville, Ohio

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Front Porch

Nothing is quite as nice as a front porch. Picture an old-fashioned white porch with rockers or wicker furniture. Since we purchased our 1840s farmhouse, we have not been able to enjoy relaxing on a front porch. The porches on the house were collapsing and too dangerous to use. They were torn off in order to build a new foundation under the house. We have finally come to the time to build a new front porch because we need a new roof and Duane wants to do them at the same time.

So, he rented a post-hole digger, and he, Jeremiah, and his brother, Den, began digging the holes for the porch posts. However, alot of the old foundation had been buried in the front yard, and they began to hit chunks of cement and old sandstone. So, inbetween digging a few inches with the post-hole digger, they had to use a jackhammer to break up the cement and stone. It was a huge job, but the holes are now dug and the wood has been ordered from the Amish. A visitor decided to cool off in one of the holes.


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