Dusty Penguin

Child of God and in love with my Lord. Wife of a wonderful man. Mother of a young adult, two teens, and a miscellaneous menagerie of furry and finned creatures. Work full-time outside of home and as little as possible at home:)

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Location: Cedarville, Ohio

Monday, September 03, 2007

Day 4 (end)/Day 5

On Day 4 we arrived in Denver in time for supper with long-time family friends. Jim was my high school principal and my sister and I used to babysit for his children back in the high school days. They are such a wonderful, kind, godly family, and every minute spent with them is a special moment.

We had our supper in their beautiful back yard.

My photo doesn't do the landscaping justice.

Jim grows grapes all along one side of the property and they are beautiful.

Kay made a really delicious supper--something I'd never had before. I think my mom wrote down the recipe.

We stayed in a really nice hotel that night. It was one of the nicest places I've ever stayed. We were supposed to sleep in the next morning, but the digital clock was missing some of the lines, and my mom thought it was 8:00 until I asked her why she was up showering at 6:00!

This pretty fountain was in the lobby/breakfast area. We enjoyed using the exercise room, and I was going to enjoy the pool, but we decided it was time to leave. After leaving the hotel, we drove by our old house in Arvada.

The house has been trashed since the days we lived there. All of the hedges/trees/flowers have all been torn out. It is currently deserted and a notice of some sort is posted on the door.

Kind of sad...We did a lot of work on that house.

From there we went to a favorite restaurant that opened the year we moved to CO (1973). It hasn't changed one bit, and remarkably, hasn't been allowed to run down. That will need a post of its own!


Blogger Hannatu said...

Hi Natalie, I got on the internet in the Morocco ariport believe it or not! But it looks like they may be calling our gate, so gotta go!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007 6:35:00 PM  
Blogger Dusty Penguin said...

Wow, I can't believe I just got a comment from Morocco!

Thursday, September 06, 2007 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Natalie, I feel so sorry for you that you had never had a delicious supper before this trip! ("she fixed us a really delicious supper - something I've never had before") ;p Just had to tease you. I suppose it would reflect on my cooking, too, since you've eaten a bunch of suppers I've fixed!

Thanks for the postings - they're really interesting!

Hugs, Arleney

Saturday, September 08, 2007 1:18:00 PM  
Blogger Dusty Penguin said...

How funny! Originally I had the name of the dish in there (salmon vicchysoise) or some such thing that I didn't know how to spell and when I looked it up only found a leek and potato soup, which it definitely wasn't. Hence it got changed to "something I've never had before"! Any supper I don't have to fix is a delicious supper! And that sandwich last night was in the delicious category, too!

Monday, September 10, 2007 11:59:00 AM  

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