Dusty Penguin

Child of God and in love with my Lord. Wife of a wonderful man. Mother of a young adult, two teens, and a miscellaneous menagerie of furry and finned creatures. Work full-time outside of home and as little as possible at home:)

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Location: Cedarville, Ohio

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Skunk De-odorizer

Ever had a dog get to close to a skunk? Mine has! And the whole tomato sauce thing is really a waste of time and money. But a patient at the clinic where I work gave me this remedy, and she says it really works! I haven't needed to try it yet, but thought I'd pass it along:
Mix together
1 cup peroxide
1 cup baking soda
1 cup water
2 drops detergent
Use like you would shampoo, I guess, and work through the dog's hair.


Blogger Hannatu said...

My poor baby Cadet. Bet she wasn't allowed in the house for a while!

Sunday, September 30, 2007 5:13:00 AM  

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